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Data Analysis | Frequencies and Descriptives

Selecting the Analysis

  1. First, enter the data (described elsewhere).

  2. On the “Analyses” tab, select the “Exploration -> Descriptives” option.

Obtaining Frequencies

  1. A set of options will then appear for you to choose the variables and statistics of interest.

  2. Select the variables you wish to analyze by clicking on them in the lefthand box and then the arrow to move them into the righthand box.

  3. Be sure that “Frequency tables” is checked. Without this checked, you will not get a frequency distribution.

  4. Output will automatically appear on the right side of the window.

Obtaining Descriptive Statistics

  1. Though some basic summary statistics are displayed by default, you can make changes by expanding the “Statistics” dropdown menu.

  2. As you select the desired statistics, the output on the right side of the window will be automatically updated.

  3. Individual tables (or even the whole section of Output) can be copied using the dropdown arrow options in the output. These can be pasted into other word processing software for printing purposes.