SPSS Articles

Data Analysis | Frequencies and Descriptives

Selecting the Analysis

  1. First, enter the data (described elsewhere).

  2. After the data are entered, select the “Analyze → Descriptive Statistics → Frequencies” option from the main menu.

Obtaining Frequencies

  1. A dialogue box will then appear for you to choose the variables of interest.

  2. Select the variables you wish to analyze by clicking on them and then the arrow to move them into the “variables” box.

  3. Be sure that “Display frequency tables” is checked. Without this checked, you will not get a frequency distribution.

  4. If all you wish is a frequency table (with no histogram or summary statistics), click “OK.” A separate window with the output will appear.

Obtaining a Histogram

  1. To obtain a histogram, click on the “Charts” button. Another dialogue box will appear.

  2. In this box, select “Histogram.”

  3. Click “Continue.” This will return you to the original dialogue box.

Obtaining Descriptive Statistics

  1. To obtain summary statistics, select “Statistics.” Another dialogue box will appear.

  2. In this box, you can request that SPSS calculate the mean, variance, and standard deviation (or median and quartiles).

  3. Once you have selected the desired statistics, click “Continue.” This will return you to the original dialogue box.

  4. After clicking on “OK” in the original dialogue box, a separate window with the output will appear.