Intro Articles

APA Style | Examples of Results in Tables

In more complex examples – such as those with multiple outcome variables – it is often preferred to place statistical information in tables rather than in the text.

Descriptive Statistics with Correlations

This table provides the reader with both the univariate descriptive statistics (the means and standard deviations) and the bivariate descriptive statistics (the correlations).

Variable n M SD 1 2
Outcome 1 4 2.00 2.45 -  
Outcome 2 4 6.00 2.45 .50 -

Descriptive Statistics with Confidence Intervals

This table is useful for removing the basic descriptive statistics (the means and standard deviations) and the confidence intervals for the group means from the text.

  Level 1     Level 2    
Variable n M (SD) 95% CI n M (SD) 95% CI
Outcome 1 4 2.00 (2.45) [-.73, 4.73] 4 6.00 (2.45) [3.27, 8.73]
Outcome 2 4 6.00 (2.45) [3.27, 8.73] 4 7.00 (2.45) [4.27, 9.73]

Independent and Dependent Samples t Tests

This table is useful removing the basic descriptive statistics and all inferential statistics about group differences (the statistical significance tests, confidence intervals, and effect sizes) from the text.

  Level 1 Level 2 Difference      
Variable M (SD) M (SD) t(6) p 95% CI Cohen’s d
Outcome 1 2.00 (2.45) 6.00 (2.45) -2.31 .060 [-8.24, 0.24] -1.63
Outcome 2 6.00 (2.45) 7.00 (2.45) -0.58 .585 [-5.24, 3.24] -0.41

One Way and Repeated Measures ANOVAs with Post Hoc Tests

This table is useful for removing the descriptive and inferential statistics about group differences from the text, while also summarizing the post hoc tests.

  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Differences      
Variable M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) F(2, 6) p eta2 Tukey’s HSD
Outcome 1 2.00 (2.45) 6.00 (2.45) 7.00 (2.45) 4.67 .041 .509 1 = 2 < 3
Outcome 2 6.00 (2.45) 7.00 (2.45) 5.00 (2.45) 0.67 .537 .129 1 = 2 = 3