Intro Articles

APA Style | Summary of Parametric Statistic Reporting

Statistic Purpose APA Style Description
Descriptive Statistics      
Mean To provide an estimate of the population from which the sample was selected. M = _____ Indicates the center point of the distribution and serves as the reference point for nearly all other statistics.
Standard Deviation To provide an estimate of the amount of variability/dispersion in the distribution of population scores. SD = _____ Indicates the variability of scores around their respective mean. Zero indicates no variability.
Measures of Effect Size      
Cohen’s d To provide a standardized measure of an effect (defined as the difference between two means). d = _____. Indicates the size of the treatment effect relative to the within-group variability of scores.
Correlation To provide a measure of the association between two variables measured in a sample. r(df) = _____ Indicates the strength of the relationship between two variables.
Eta-Squared To provide a standardized measure of an effect (defined as the relationship between two variables). eta2 = _____. Indicates the proportion of variance in the dependent variable accounted for by the independent variable.
Confidence Intervals      
CI for a Mean To provide an interval estimate of the population mean. ____% CI [___, ___] Estimates a range for the mean using a procedure that produces an accurate estimate the specified percentage of times.
CI for a Mean Difference To provide an interval estimate of the population mean difference. ____% CI [___, ___] Estimates a range for the mean difference using a procedure that produces an accurate estimate the specified percentage of times.
Statistical Significance Tests      
One Sample t Test To compare a single sample mean to a population mean when the population standard deviation is not known t(df) = ____, p = ____. A small probability is obtained when the statistic is sufficiently large, indicating that the two means significantly differ from each other.
Independent Samples t Test To compare two sample means when the samples are from a single-factor between-subjects design. t(df) = ____, p = ____. A small probability is obtained when the statistic is sufficiently large, indicating that the two means significantly differ from each other.
Paired Samples t Test To compare two sample means when the samples are from a single-factor within-subjects design. t(df) = ____, p = ____. A small probability is obtained when the statistic is sufficiently large, indicating that the two means significantly differ from each other.
One-Way ANOVA To compare two or more sample means when the means are from a single-factor between-subjects design. F(df1,df2) = ___, p = ____. A small probability is obtained when the statistic is sufficiently large, indicating that the set of means differ significantly from each other.
Repeated Measures ANOVA To compare two or more sample means when the means are from a single-factor within-subjects design. F(df1,df2) = ___, p = ____. A small probability is obtained when the statistic is sufficiently large, indicating that the set of means differ significantly from each other.
Factorial ANOVA To compare four or more groups defined by a multiple variables in a factorial research design. F(df1,df2) = ___, p = ____. A small probability is obtained when the statistic is sufficiently large, indicating that the set of means differ significantly from each other.

Note. Many of the statistics from each of the categories are frequently and perhaps often appropriately presented in tables or figures rather than in the text.