Craig A. Wendorf, Ph.D.

Statistics Resources

A Sourcebook of Basic Statistical Methods

For most of my career, I have developed online textbook materials intended to facilitate the connection between standard introductory statistics concepts and their implementation in statistical software. These materials currently include: a summary of basic statistical methods; instructions on obtaining basic statistical output using SPSS, jamovi, and JASP; annotated output showing how to calculate and interpret the output; and summaries of how the results should be reported in APA style.

An Online Textbook

Statistical Packages for R

I have worked to make estimation and other approaches to statistics easier using R. Currently, this includes R packages for implementation of the "new statistics" (EASI), for contrast coding within established linear models (CALM), for simple pipe operators (simplePipes), for visualizing distributions (plotDistributions), and for implementing polyplots (polyplot2). Numerous examples, both from my online textbook above and from other textbooks and articles, are available.

Estimation Approach to Statistical Inference

Basic Analytical Statistics with Excel

I have also developed a collection of Excel spreadsheets that provide real-time calculations and graphs of statistics for educational use. Taken together, these resources provide a simple -- yet quite effective -- system that can be used in any typical introductory statistics course and for basic data analyses. In some respects, they are precursors to the R packages listed above.

Grading and Embedded Assessment Tool