SPSS Articles

Data Entry | Repeated Measures Data

Defining Variables

  1. First, click on the “Variable View” tab on the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Generally speaking, this is where you will define all of the variables in the data set.

  2. Type in a “Name” for each of the variables in the first column. You may wish to enter a “Label” (or longer name) for each variable in your data set.

Entering Data

  1. Click on the “Data View” tab on the bottom left-hand corner. In this view, you will be able to enter the data.

  2. Enter the data in the individual cells of the column for the variable. Note that each cell should contain a single score for an individual person. There will be as many rows as people.

  3. Notice that each individual (i.e., the rows) has values for each instance of the within-subjects variable (i.e., the columns).