Factorial ANOVA > ### Descriptive Statistics > (Outcome ~ FactorA) |> describeMoments(by = FactorB) Summary Statistics for the Data: B1 N M SD Skew Kurt A1 4.000 2.000 2.449 0.544 -2.944 A2 4.000 7.000 2.449 -0.544 -2.944 Descriptive Statistics for the Data: B2 N M SD Skew Kurt A1 4.000 6.000 2.449 0.544 -2.944 A2 4.000 5.000 2.449 0.544 -2.944 > ### Inferential Statistics > (Outcome ~ FactorA) |> describeFactorial(by = FactorB) Source Table for the Model SS df MS Factor 4.000 1.000 4.000 Blocks 16.000 1.000 16.000 Factor:Blocks 36.000 1.000 36.000 Residual 72.000 12.000 6.000 > (Outcome ~ FactorA) |> testFactorial(by = FactorB) Hypothesis Tests for the Model F df1 df2 p Factor 0.667 1.000 12.000 0.430 Blocks 2.667 1.000 12.000 0.128 Factor:Blocks 6.000 1.000 12.000 0.031 > (Outcome ~ FactorA) |> estimateFactorial(by = FactorB) Proportion of Variance Accounted For by the Mo Est LL UL Factor 0.053 0.000 0.302 Blocks 0.182 0.000 0.442 Factor:Blocks 0.333 0.019 0.562