Correlations > ### Descriptive Statistics > (CorrelationData) |> describeMoments() Summary Statistics for the Data N M SD Skew Kurt Outcome1 4.000 2.000 2.449 0.544 -2.944 Outcome2 4.000 6.000 2.449 0.544 -2.944 > (CorrelationData) |> describeCovariances() Covariances for the Data Outcome1 Outcome2 Outcome1 6.000 3.000 Outcome2 3.000 6.000 > (CorrelationData) |> describeCorrelations() Correlations for the Data Outcome1 Outcome2 Outcome1 1.000 0.500 Outcome2 0.500 1.000 > ### Inferential Statistics > (CorrelationData) |> testCorrelations() Hypothesis Tests for the Correlations R SE df t p Outcome1 & Outcome2 0.500 0.612 2.000 0.816 0.500