This page examines a single-factor between-subjects (one-way) design using raw data input, focusing on omnibus and pairwise analyses.
Preliminary Tasks
Summary Statistics
This code obtains the descriptive statistics for the data frame.
(Outcome ~ Factor) |> describeMoments()
Summary Statistics for the Data
N M SD Skew Kurt
Level1 10.000 8.000 1.414 0.000 -0.738
Level2 10.000 11.000 2.211 -0.617 -0.212
Level3 10.000 12.000 2.449 0.340 -1.102
Analyses of the Omnibus Effect
The Analysis of Variance examines the overall differences among the means.
Source Table
Display the source table.
(Outcome ~ Factor) |> describeEffect()
Source Table for the Model
SS df MS
Between 86.667 2.000 43.333
Within 116.000 27.000 4.296
Proportion of Variance Accounted for
Get an estimate of the proportion of variance account for by the factor (and the confidence interval for that estimate).
(Outcome ~ Factor) |> estimateEffect()
Proportion of Variance Accounted For by the Model
Factor 0.428 0.157 0.569
Significance Test
Test the overall differences for statistical significance.
(Outcome ~ Factor) |> testEffect()
Hypothesis Test for the Model
F df1 df2 p
Factor 10.086 2.000 27.000 0.001
Analyses of Pairwise Comparisons
The analyses for the pairwise comparisons do not assume homogeneity of variance and do not make adjustments for multiple comparisons (and are therefore effectively equivalent to a series of independent samples t tests).
Confidence Intervals
Obtain interval estimates for the pairwise comparisons.
(Outcome ~ Factor) |> estimatePairwise()
Confidence Intervals for the Pairwise Mean Differences
Level1 v Level2 3.000 0.830 15.308 1.234 4.766
Level1 v Level3 4.000 0.894 14.400 2.087 5.913
Level2 v Level3 1.000 1.043 17.815 -1.194 3.194
Provide a traditional plot of the confidence intervals for the pairwise comparisons (including a line that represents no difference for the comparisons).
(Outcome ~ Factor) |> plotPairwise(line = 0, values = FALSE)
Provide a diffogram (plot of means and the confidence intervals for the pairwise comparisons).
(Outcome ~ Factor) |> plotPairwiseDiffogram()
Significance Tests
Test the pairwise comparisons for statistical significance.
(Outcome ~ Factor) |> testPairwise()
Hypothesis Tests for the Pairwise Mean Differences
MD SE df t p
Level1 v Level2 3.000 0.830 15.308 3.614 0.002
Level1 v Level3 4.000 0.894 14.400 4.472 0.000
Level2 v Level3 1.000 1.043 17.815 0.958 0.351
Standardized Effect Sizes
Get the standardized effect sizes (and their confidence intervals) for the pairwise comparisons.
(Outcome ~ Factor) |> standardizePairwise()
Confidence Intervals for the Pairwise Standardized Mean Differences
Level1 v Level2 1.616 0.555 0.529 2.703
Level1 v Level3 2.000 0.601 0.822 3.178
Level2 v Level3 0.429 0.477 -0.506 1.363
Analyses of Relational Intervals
Relational intervals are values (and boxes on a graph) that indicate whether two conditions are statistically significantly different. The analyses for the relational confidence intervals do assume homogeneity of variance but do not make adjustments for multiple comparisons.
Provide estimates of the arelational and relational intervals.
(Outcome ~ Factor) |> estimateRelational()
Confidence and Relational Intervals for the Means
Level1 8.000 7.049 8.951 6.988 9.012
Level2 11.000 10.049 11.951 9.418 12.582
Level3 12.000 11.049 12.951 10.248 13.752
Plot the intervals.
(Outcome ~ Factor) |> plotRelational()
Analyses of Post Hoc Comparisons
The analyses for the post hoc comparisons do assume homogeneity of variance and do make adjustments for multiple comparisons (based on Tukey HSD procedures).
Confidence Intervals
Obtain interval estimates for the post hoc comparisons.
(Outcome ~ Factor) |> estimatePosthoc()
Confidence Intervals for the Posthoc Mean Differences
Diff SE df LL UL
Level1 v Level2 3.000 0.927 27.000 0.702 5.298
Level1 v Level3 4.000 0.927 27.000 1.702 6.298
Level2 v Level3 1.000 0.927 27.000 -1.298 3.298
Provide a traditional plot of the confidence intervals for the post hoc comparisons (including a line that represents no difference for the comparisons).
(Outcome ~ Factor) |> plotPosthoc(line = 0, values = FALSE)
Provide a diffogram (plot of means and the confidence intervals for the post hoc comparisons).
(Outcome ~ Factor) |> plotPosthocDiffogram()
Significance Tests
Test the post hoc comparisons for statistical significance.
(Outcome ~ Factor) |> testPosthoc()
Hypothesis Tests for the Posthoc Mean Differences
Diff SE df t p
Level1 v Level2 3.000 0.927 27.000 3.236 0.009
Level1 v Level3 4.000 0.927 27.000 4.315 0.001
Level2 v Level3 1.000 0.927 27.000 1.079 0.535
Standardized Effect Sizes
Get the standardized effect sizes (and their confidence intervals) for the post hoc comparisons.
(Outcome ~ Factor) |> standardizePosthoc()
Confidence Intervals for the Posthoc Standardized Mean Differences
Level1 v Level2 1.616 0.555 0.529 2.703
Level1 v Level3 2.000 0.601 0.822 3.178
Level2 v Level3 0.429 0.477 -0.506 1.363