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This page examines a two-factor between-subjects (factorial) design using raw data input, focusing on omnibus and simple effects analyses.

Preliminary Tasks

Data Entry

This code inputs the variable names and creates a viewable data frame.

FactorA <- c(rep(1, 20), rep(2, 20), rep(3, 20))
FactorA <- factor(FactorA, levels = c(1, 2, 3), labels = c("A1", "A2", "A3"))
FactorB <- c(rep(1, 10), rep(2, 10), rep(1, 10), rep(2, 10), rep(1, 10), rep(2, 10))
FactorB <- factor(FactorB, levels = c(1, 2), labels = c("B1", "B2"))
Outcome <- c(6, 8, 6, 8, 10, 8, 10, 9, 8, 7, 5, 9, 10, 9, 11, 4, 11, 7, 6, 8, 7, 13, 11, 10, 13, 8, 11, 14, 12, 11, 7, 8, 7, 11, 10, 7, 8, 4, 8, 10, 9, 16, 11, 12, 15, 13, 9, 14, 11, 10, 8, 6, 8, 11, 5, 7, 9, 3, 6, 7)
FactorialData <- construct(FactorA, FactorB, Outcome)

Summary Statistics

This code provides a table of summary statistics.

(Outcome ~ FactorA) |> describeMoments(by = FactorB)

Summary Statistics for the Data

         N       M      SD    Skew    Kurt
A1  10.000   8.000   1.414   0.000  -0.738
A2  10.000  11.000   2.211  -0.617  -0.212
A3  10.000  12.000   2.449   0.340  -1.102


Summary Statistics for the Data

         N       M      SD    Skew    Kurt
A1  10.000   8.000   2.449  -0.340  -1.102
A2  10.000   8.000   2.000  -0.417   0.735
A3  10.000   7.000   2.211   0.000   0.665

Plot the means and their confidence intervals for the design as a whole.

(Outcome ~ FactorA) |> plotFactorial(by = FactorB, col = c("darkred", "darkblue"))
legend("topleft", inset = .01, box.lty = 0, pch = 16, legend = c("B1", "B2"), col = c("darkred", "darkblue"))

Analyses of the Omnibus Effects

The omnibus analysis usually consists of an Analysis of Variance.

Source Table

Get the source table associated with the main effects and the interaction.

(Outcome ~ FactorA) |> describeFactorial(by = FactorB)

Source Table for the Model

                   SS      df      MS
Factor        106.667   1.000 106.667
Blocks         30.000   2.000  15.000
Factor:Blocks  63.333   2.000  31.667
Residual      250.000  54.000   4.630

Proportion of Variance Accounted For

Get estimates of the proportion of variance accounted for by each effect (along with their confidence intervals).

(Outcome ~ FactorA) |> estimateFactorial(by = FactorB)

Proportion of Variance Accounted For by the Model

                  Est      LL      UL
Factor          0.299   0.136   0.437
Blocks          0.107   0.000   0.176
Factor:Blocks   0.202   0.014   0.248

Significance Tests

Finally, test the various effects for statistical significance.

(Outcome ~ FactorA) |> testFactorial(by = FactorB)

Hypothesis Tests for the Model

                    F     df1     df2       p
Factor         23.040   1.000  54.000   0.000
Blocks          3.240   2.000  54.000   0.047
Factor:Blocks   6.840   2.000  54.000   0.002

Analyses of the Simple Effects

As a follow-up to an Analysis of Variance, it is cusotmary to examine the simple effects (essentially a single-factor ANOVA separately across the levels of another factor).

Source Table

Get the source tables separately for the simple effects.

(Outcome ~ FactorA) |> describeMoments(by = FactorB) |> describeEffect()

Source Table for the Model

             SS      df      MS
Between  86.667   2.000  43.333
Within  116.000  27.000   4.296


Source Table for the Model

             SS      df      MS
Between   6.667   2.000   3.333
Within  134.000  27.000   4.963

Proportion of Variance Accounted For

Get an estimate of the proportion of variance account for by the simple effect (and the confidence interval for that estimate).

(Outcome ~ FactorA) |> describeMoments(by = FactorB) |> estimateEffect()

Proportion of Variance Accounted For by the Model

           Est      LL      UL
Factor   0.428   0.157   0.569


Proportion of Variance Accounted For by the Model

           Est      LL      UL
Factor   0.047   0.000   0.173

Significance Tests

Finally, test the simple effects for statistical significance.

(Outcome ~ FactorA) |> describeMoments(by = FactorB) |> testEffect()

Hypothesis Test for the Model

             F     df1     df2       p
Factor  10.086   2.000  27.000   0.001


Hypothesis Test for the Model

             F     df1     df2       p
Factor   0.672   2.000  27.000   0.519